How do you measure the worth of a man? You measure it by the lives he touched, the people he changed, and the differences he made in the world around him. Emory Lee Walker, founder of Emory Walker Company, was a man of worth.

Over the course of his 40-plus years in the refrigeration industry, Emory made many friends throughout the country who revered him as an individual driven by hard work and conviction.

As an employer, Emory treated each of his employees like family members and always sought to provide what was best for them. Whether dealing with business or even personal matters, Emory was often called upon to impart wisdom into many situations.

Although an extremely competitive businessman, each deal that came across his desk was carried out with Biblical direction. In every detail, the customer could always know they were being treated fairly and could rest in the understanding that Emory’s word was his bond.

The principals that once lead Emory’s personal life are intricately woven into the very character of Emory Walker Company. While he will be missed greatly, may his legacy live long through each of the lives he touched.